New wheels for J!

J is overjoyed to receive his new motorized wheelchair. For years, J has struggled with limited mobility, and the new wheelchair is a game-changer. The chair is sleek and modern with a powerful motor that gives J the freedom to move around with ease.  As he sat in his chair for the first time, we could feel his sense of excitement and liberation. He no longer has to rely on others to push him around, or struggle to navigate the world on his own. With the push of a button, J can now move effortlessly.

The chair is also equipped with a variety of features that make it easier for J to live his life. It has a comfortable seat that supports his back. The chair's controls are also intuitive and easy to use, allowing J to adjust his speed and direction with precision. We can see that J is grateful for the technology that has made his new chair possible, and more important for the support of the Letschert family that made the purchase. His new wheelchair will change his life in countless ways, giving him the freedom and independence he's always wanted. With a smile on his face, J takes off around the house and garden, eager to explore his world in a whole new way.

Thank you to the Letschert family for the life changing donation and to Sports For Lives for facilitating the fundraiser. 

Check out this cool Facebook post from Sports For Lives

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